Friday, June 20, 2014

Sayonara Japan

Just a brief stay in Chiba before a short train trip to Narita airport. There wasn't anything special in Chiba except the monorail that runs through town. The capsule hotel was pretty much the same as all the other, except there was no WiFi for me to use and people smoked in the capsule area. It's just great to be woken up by the smell of cigarette smoke. I was indifferent to smoking in public, but I think Japan has changed my mind. Capsule hotels aren't really that bad, but I never want to stay in one ever again. Of course on my very last train ride I mess up and was on the wrong train going back to Tokyo. All the signs said to Narita so I have no idea how the hell that happened. Maybe something is trying to keep me here. Good thing I had like 8 hours before my flight.

So this is it my last post. I write this sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back to America. I have been here so long I kind of got used to being here, and leaving feels a bit weird. Coming back to the airport I remembered the first night off the plane being lost with no idea what to do, it felt like ages ago. It is time to head back though. I want to thank everyone who has been following me on my journey and I hope you enjoyed my pictures.

That my gate, I just need my plane.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Top of Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is really nice on the inside. The only thing that is  annoying at night there is way too much reflection on the glass to get a clear picture. If you pay for the very top it is even brighter inside so it has more reflection on the glass. The area with the blue lights was a surprise and the best area in the tower I think. It is a really good veiw of the city and I'm glad I went up see it. A really great last night in Tokyo.

This is in the bathroom at the very top of the tower.
Yeah I forgot to smile.

Last Days of Tokyo

Getting to the very end now. Wandering in Tokyo, a nearby shrine, park, and night shots. Some are Shinjuku and Roppongi. Roppongi is known for being a foreigner area with clubs and bars. Lots of American places I haven't seen anyplace else like Wendy's, T.G.I Fridays, and a Hard Rock Cafe.

This update is late as my last night in Japsn are in a capsule hotel and there is no free WiFi. So here I am standing on the side walk in the city of Chiba mooching off of a free signal to post this.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Odaiba and Rainbow Bridge

The rain finally stopped, and clear Sky's let me finally head out to take some pictures. Odaiba is a completely man made island with a lot of amusement type stuff on it. The trains in Tokyo go from cheap to way too much money, and the short train here was the latter. I knew the that Ferris wheel here lit up so in that was my only interest in checking it out. Seriously how many Ferris wheels are there in this country? I totally forgot this is were the life size Gundam robot is (OK it's a Mobile Suit to be accurate). Gundam is a cartoon by the way. There is even a whole Gundam train I saw awhile back, that is how much they love this show. Trekkie's and Star Wars nerds have nothing on these guys.

Rainbow bridge is lit up white this time, sometimes it is multi spectrum which was what I was hoping for. The spot were I took the pictures of the bridge was lovey dovey couple central. I could only endure it for so long. On the way back I was going to walk across the bridge, but the hell if I could figure out were the path to get there was. It was getting late, so unfortunately I took the train for fear of the subways shutting down, and having to walk for hours to get back. I'm getting really close to the end here though, just a couple more days and I'll be back in the States.

Some over exposure to see how it would look.