Monday, June 2, 2014


I always told myself if I ever go to Japan I am going to buy a Famicom, and by god I did. What is a Famicom you might ask? It's another name for the 1983 Family Computer, but in the US we know it as the good old 1986 Nintendo Entertainment System NES. For what ever reason they completely redesigned it for the US market, and even the game cartridges are different. The US games all came in the same grey plastic with bad artwork (OK Zelda did come in fancy pants gold). Famicom games came in all different colors of the rainbow, and the artwork on the labels is awesome. Looking through all the games I felt like I was back in the local video rental store when I was a kid, and wondering what was a good game or not to get. I picked up Gradius 2, a space shooter that only came out in Japan, and Dr. Mario a tetris like puzzle game. Dr mario was always a favorite of mine. It is unlcear if Mario was getting his PhD while working plumber jobs, or he is an unlicenced practitioner. Of course i played the Famicom back at the hotel. Dr. Mario didn't work at first, I had to do the tried and true blow on the bottom of the game trick every kid from the 80's knows.

I was lying low at a hotel for three nights, and now I am at my latest Airbnb place, a super cheap dorm booked for two weeks. "What if you don't like it?" my dad says. "Well, whatever" I say. Yeah whatever. This is the worst place I have stayed. My room has two bunk beds, but instead of a mattress or any kind of padding, the guy laid a blanked on the wood as a substitute and called it a day. So it is the same as sleeping on a wood floor. Then on the bunk below me a guy lives here permanently, stowed away like a hobo living under a bridge. He snores. He snores so loud, like a goddamn cartoon character. My earplugs do nothing. To top it off somebody in the common area was cooking food at midnight, using a blow dryer at 1:30 am, and then final stops rustling around at 2:00am. I seriously considered taking my camping gear and go sleep on the roof, which we have access to. After zero sleep, in the morning I promptly canceled next week here and booked the hotel I was at before to replace it.
I still have a week here unfortunately.

I am done with Airbnb, and I will never use them ever again after this trip. You just can't know what your getting into. They also forget to mention you cannot cancel on the mobile version (all I have), and for whatever reason it must be done through a PC. I was lucky there was a PC here or I would have had a lot of trouble. It was all in Japanese so it took some time, but I got it (thank you goolgle translate). Even though I canceled a week ahead Airbnb keeps their fee, so I'm out $15 for nothing. Bunch of horseshit.


  1. Sooo lucky you!!! (I'm talking about the game thing! So sorry to hear about the snoring guy who destroyed your rest completely)
    I tried to find that game from long long time ago, but I couldn't remember the name. The last I played it was 1998, when I was 9. It wasn't mine, I went to my friend's place all the time just to convince her to play Dr.Mario instead of the traditional one with me.
    I'll try to find one in hiroshima
    They must have it somewhere.
    and thanks!
    I would never know the name of the game without your blog.

  2. Who says you can't go back to being a kid again. Your version of Back to the Future. Keep the blog going, more pictures of yourself out and about. Don't forget the Pachinko Parlor.
