Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sunny Hitachi Seaside Park

What a disaster of a day. It started bad when I got up and tried to book my next Airbrb place. I go in the app and book the next place. For whatever reason they want me verify my identity this time. There is a whole bunch of steps, but the one I can't do is verify my phone by getting a number via text. My phone does not work in Japan so this is impossible for me to complete. Airbrb shuts off and I can't make a reservation until I finish the verify process. A big problem as Airbrb has a lot of place for me to stay on the cheap in the future. I'm in front of the train station, getting one bar of some random WiFi signal, on Skype with home trying to find a solution to this problem that is much harder than it should be. I'm mad and getting no where, so I decided it is time to get on the bus and see the park again.

I'm on the bus and time to enjoy the rest of my day. I'm halfway to the park when I realize something is off. Something is missing. The black pouch holding my camera is not on me. How do I not have something that has been attached to me all the time? Then it hits me. I dropped my gear on the sidewalk at the station to solve the Airbrb problem. I start to get really close to a panic attack. I get off the bus and run back as I just missed the bus across the street, but it is way to far to run especially with the weight. I get to a bus stop and wait. At the station I was close to a police box (Koban) so that is the first stop, as that is were lost items are usually taken. They don't have it but take information. Maybe it is at the capsule hotel. So I go back to retrace my steps. Waiting at the cross walk one of the chubby cops runs calling my name. He is out of breath as he looks like he never ran a day in his life. He found my camera. Somebody took my camera up into the station box. I think if I was in any other country that camera would have been gone. I offered to buy the cop a drink, but he declined. The Airbrb was finally fixed the next day so everything went bad to OK.

Hitachinaka Is a very American type of town. Big shopping centers and parking lots. There is even a Costco here! I didn't even know there were Costcos outside the US.

The tripod self shot is hard.

A giant jungle gym thing that looked like a lawsuit waiting to happen in the US.
Looks safe.
The Costco menu is the same. I go for the old stand by hot dog and soda.


  1. Yikes! Glad you got the air bnb thing fixed! That works have been awful. The left camera in Japan is the new left purse on the subway... never in a million years would I guess either of us would have gotten those back!

  2. Close up pictures look great. Also enjoy you in the pictures. Why does the cop who found your camera need to be called 'chubby', even if true.?

    1. I don't know how else to describe a guy who is one step below fat. I offered to buy him a drink though, but he declined.

  3. Put one of your pictures as my desktop picture, also saved them into a file in my pictures. Pretty good for your computer savy Mom. Pictures were so unbelievable.Love . MOM
