Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Farm Continued

The work days are long here at the farm, 7:30am to 6:00pm. My body hasn't broken yet. Compared to other WWOOF farm this place is pretty good, as other places might have less hours but you only do one task like pick weeds. The people are really nice here and there is lots of food, mostly vegetables, rice, and some meat. This is probably the healthiest I have ever eaten, but I could go for some Mexican food. Here in the morning it's chicken feeding then getting eggs. They had a random heavy snow little while ago that collapsed one of the chicken houses, so we are rebuilding it, and it is all most done. The bamboo is used as general building material. In the afternoon we plant Negi or I guess it also called spring or green onion. I drove the truck yesterday (not on the roads). Having the drivers side be on the right and the shifter at your left is really weird. I reversed and of course kept looking over my right, which of course is wrong and you can't see. There us a lot of work to do, but I do not get any time to explore, so we will see how long I will stay here.

New chicken house
Other chicken houses. Lots of chickens

The left side is finished planted Negi


  1. Perfect! You can help us build a chicken coop when you get back! We also pay in a place to sleep and veggies.

  2. We could use that little truck. You will be in great shape!!!! Happy chicken farming. Love Mom xoxooox

  3. So... You work 11 hours for some veggies, rice and a place to sleep. Sounds alot like something you would be sentenced to perform by a judge! Have fun!
