Saturday, May 17, 2014

Inujima Island

I don't even remember how I learned about this place. It used to be a refinery until it closed down almost a hundred years ago. Now the island has only forty residents, all over seventy years old. So not much was going on, until they decided to put a modern art museum and incorporate some art in the town. I wondered if the whole town will end up an art project as all the residents will be gone not far from now.

Getting to then island was easy, but took forever. I take the train and get off at Saidaiji staition knowing there is a bus that goes to Hoden Port. Only the bus comes four times a day and I just missed the first one a 10:10. The next one comes at 12:50. That really sucked, but I wait, and the bus finally comes. The bus took the weirdest route I have ever been on. It didn't take the main road. Oh no, it took the one and a half sized, side roads. Then they turn into one lane, but people are using it both ways. There are buildings on the sides and he is snaking around tight turns almost hitting things. The bus stop locations made no sense. It seemed to be stopping at random peoples houses. One was at a telephone pole surrounded by nothing but empty fields all around. Yet a man was waiting to be picked up.

On the island I didn't care about seeing the museum, only the art in the town. I get to the first one (the foam looking stuff in a glass house) and the guy asks for a ticket. Yes that is right, they want me to buy a ticket to view public art. As an artist, this pisses me off completly. So I just can't go in. I can already see it all from the outside! I can take a picture outside, but if I take one step in I can't take a picture. What a joke, now I am completely uninterested in seeing the actual museum. The others didn't have this bullshit thankfully, so I don't see any point of the ticket. Maybe I wad just lucky. The refinery was all fenced off. I couldn't get by without blatantly being seen jumping the fence. Oh, I thought about it though. I thought about it for sometime.

As a former museum guard I now have a profound hatred of video art.

Flowers growing in the sand.
Another campsite. This one had a beer vending mticket m. It tasted terrible though.
I tried some night photography.

1 comment:

  1. Were you the only tourist there? Buy some flip flops.Looks like you had the campgrounds all to yourself. You have found some very interesting places.The flower exhibit was pretty.Love MOM xoxoxo
